Friday, October 22, 2010

According to Family Circle Magazine there are seven emotions that get in the way of living an Organized Life.

*Low self-Esteem

Can you relate to any of these? Maybe, kind of, I don't want to talk about it, I will later, when I find time or money I will. These emotions stop all of us from clearing out the clutter. Stop beating yourself up and definitely don't feel like you are alone. Little steps can begin the day new!

Just ask Sid

What to keep and what to shred, that is the question. offers a help-line to help you make educated decisions on what to file, and what is safe to shred. Just ask Sid at One of his morsels of common sense states that you should toss bank deposit slips and ATM and credit card receipts as soon as the transaction appear on statements. It is hard for some of us to let go of paper after so many years of filing, filing and filing... Always check with your Tax Professional as they are the final say to this dilemma.

There are solutions to every problem!